Female Solipsism In Red Pill Dating & Relationships Explained Simply

Female Solipsism Explained (Red Pill) – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about female solipsism, defining exactly what it is, its evolutionary role, how it influences the female experience, why it’s important for men to understand and more.

What Is Female Solipsism?

Female solipsism is a phrase often used within Red Pill communities to describe the tendency of women to perceive, experience and interact with the world primarily from their own perspective.

Solipsism More Broadly

The concept of female solipsism stems from the more general concept of solipsism, which is the perspective that the self is the only reality.

Thus, it’s important to understand that both men and women are solipsistic to some degree. However, women tend to exhibit this trait in a more pronounced way.

What Is An Example Of Solipsism?

An example of solipsism is the view that “I am the only mind that exists and everything outside of my own mind is uncertain or non-existent.”

The Evolutionary Perspective

From an evolutionary perspective, women who had more of an inward-looking focus were consequently better equipped to understand and respond to the needs of those around them. This was crucial for nurturing and protecting their tribe in a challenging environment.

Therefore, it’s important to grasp that female solipsistic nature is less about selfish individualism and more about pragmatic survival.

How Female Solipsism Influences The Female Experience

Female solipsism significantly influences how women perceive, experience and interact with the world around them.

Solipsism puts women’s imperatives as their primary Mental Point Of Origin. In other words, their reality is filtered through their perception as if the world revolves around them. Thus, they have the tendency to think that their experience is the universal experience.

Women tend to perceive the world based on subjective reality. Men tend to perceive the world based on objective reality.

Women tend to have a more inward-looking view of reality, prioritising subjective opinions based on emotion. Men tend to have a more outward-looking view of reality, prioritising objective facts based on logic.

One of the most common demonstrations of solipsism can be seen in the communication preferences of women. Women focus primarily on the context of the communication (how the information being communicated makes them feel). Men focus primarily on the content of the communication (what information is being communicated).

Why Understanding Female Solipsism Is Important For Men

Understanding female solipsism is crucial for men to grasp how it influences the thoughts, feelings and actions of women within relationships. This awareness can help men navigate intersexual dynamics more effectively, therefore leading to more healthy, happier and more fulfilling relationships.

A Note Of Caution

While many people inside the Red Pill community believe that women tend to be more solipsistic than men, research suggests that this belief isn’t supported by conclusive psychological research. Thus, such generalisations should be approached with caution.

Summary (TL;DR)

Female solipsism is a phrase used to describe the tendency of women to perceive reality through their own subjective experience. This tendency evolved as it allowed women to better respond to the needs of their immediate social circle, thus enhancing their ability to survive and reproduce.

Female solipsism prioritises women’s imperatives as their primary Mental Point Of Origin and therefore their reality is filtered through their perception as if the world revolves around them.

Understanding female solipsism is crucial for men to grasp how it influences the female experience. This awareness can help men navigate intersexual dynamics more effectively, therefore leading to more healthy, happier and more fulfilling relationships.