Menstrual Cycles

Menstrual Cycles – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about menstrual cycles, defining exactly what they are, the four phases and their impact, how to harness them and more.

What Is A Menstrual Cycle?

A menstrual cycle is a monthly process that women go through which involves hormonal changes that prepare the body for pregnancy, leading to menstruation if no pregnancy occurs.

The Four Phases Of A Menstrual Cycle

While the length of a menstrual cycle varies from one woman to another, the average spans 28 days. Each cycle consists of four unique phases. They are:

  1. Menstrual Phase
  2. Follicular Phase
  3. Ovulation Phase
  4. Luteal Phase

A woman’s menstrual cycle is intimately linked with her hormones. Hormone fluctuations are responsible for transitioning the body from one phase to the next. With each change in phase, her needs in a relationship change too.

By understanding both the changes in hormones and the changes in needs within each different phase, couples can use this information to help a woman get the necessary and appropriate support, leading to a happier and more fulfilling relationship.

Below we’ll unpack each of the four phases and look at how couples can best navigate each phase.

  • Phase 1 ― Menstrual Phase (Day 1-7) ― Social Bonding

Phase 1, the Menstrual Phase, is when a woman usually feels fatigued, emotional and slow.

During this phase, a woman needs to increase her levels of progesterone and decrease her levels of testosterone. She can do this by engaging in self-nurturing activities ― for example having a nice hot bath, yoga or going for a walk ― or social bonding. This is also a great time to plan a romantic date so both partners have something to look forward to.

A man can help by not making any demands and supporting his partner’s needs for social bonding ― whether she choses to do so with or without him.

Honouring a woman’s need for rest and relaxation during this phase will enhance her ability to maximise the potential of her more active phases.

  • Phase 2 ― Follicular Phase (Day 8-11) ― Work Bonding

Phase 2, the Follicular Phase, is when a woman usually feels energetic, creative and driven.

During this phase, a woman needs to increase her levels of testosterone and estrogen. She can do this by engaging in activities that simultaneously express both her masculine and feminine side such as work or playing with children.

This is a time when a woman is attracted to more masculine energy.

  • Phase 3 ― Ovulation Phase (Day 12-17) ― Pair Bonding

Phase 3, the Ovulation Phase, is when a woman usually feels playful, sexually aroused and social. It is the optimal time to conceive.

During this phase, a woman needs to increase her levels of estrogen and oxytocin and decrease her levels of testosterone. She can do this by engaging in activities that express her feminine side and by bonding with her partner.

This is when a woman feels most confident and when her energy levels and sex drive peak. Therefore, it is the best time to go on a romantic date. It is also a great time to enjoy scented candles, essential oils and dressing up. It is during this phase when a woman is most vulnerable and can most easily climax due to the high levels of oxytocin.

This is when a man can have the biggest impact during a menstrual cycle by supporting his partner mentally, emotionally and physically. Furthermore, pair-bonding stimulates vasopressin in men which increases his attraction to the woman and his motivation to protect her.

When a woman’s needs are satisfied in this phase it can have a lasting positive impact on the rest of the cycle. Similarly, when couples bond in this phase, their connection will increase during the rest of the cycle.

  • Phase 4 ― Luteal Phase (Day 18-28) ― Social Bonding

Phase 4, the Luteal Phase, completes the menstrual cycle and transitions back into Phase 1.

During this phase, a woman needs to increase her levels of progesterone and decrease her levels of testosterone. You can refer to Phase 1 again for how best to honour a woman’s body during this period.

This is a time when a woman is attracted to more feminine energy.

Ultimately, it is essential for a woman to listen to her body’s needs throughout the menstrual cycle by using her intuition. Doing so will give her the necessary insight on what she needs and when.


Menstrual cycles are a beautiful concoction of hormones and fluctuations that manifest four phases: Menstrual Phase, Follicular Phase, Ovulation Phase and Luteal Phase.

The Menstrual Phase is a time for self-nurturing and social bonding with friends, the Follicular Phase is a time for work bonding, the Ovulation Phase is a time for pair bonding and the Luteal Phase is again a time for self-nurturing and social bonding.

By understanding each of these different phases and the different hormones that rise and fall within each phase, women can take the necessary and appropriate action to satisfy their needs as well as knowing how they can get the necessary and appropriate support from their partner, leading to a happier and more fulfilling relationship.


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