Quality Quantifier Explained Simply

Quality Quantifier – The Key To Healthy Habits

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about the Quality Quantifier, defining exactly what it is, the science behind how it works, how we can leverage it and more.

What Is The Quality Quantifier?

The Quality Quantifier (QQ) was created by American life coach Tony Robbins. It is a tool used to increase desires for behaviours that support us and decrease desires for behaviours that don’t.

The QQ works by visualising a specific result in advance. By doing so, it allows us to take more effective actions in achieving that result.

The Science Behind The Quality Quantifier

The Quality Quantifier works by influencing our emotions. Our emotions are tied to actions which ultimately determine our results.

Therefore, by changing our emotions, we can change our actions with the goal of ultimately breaking unhealthy habits and building healthy habits that align with our goals and the quality of life we desire.

How To Leverage The Quality Quantifier

There are 5 steps to leveraging the Quality Quantifier which we will outline below.

  1. Identify a goal.
  2. Identify your current level of experience when attempting to achieve the goal (-10 to +10).
  3. Identify your desired future level of experience when attempting to achieve the goal (-10 to +10).
  4. Ask “What conditions must I create in order to achieve this?”.
  5. Decide what actions you are going to take to achieve your desired level of experience.

The key when deciding what actions you can take to achieve your desired level of experience is to focus on actions that are within your control.


Let’s imagine your goal is to go for a run. Your current level of experience when going for a run on a scale of -10 to +10 is -5 but your desired future level of experience is for it to be a level +10 run.

You then ask yourself, “What needs to happen for me to achieve a level 10 run?”. Well, maybe you need to beat your last run by 10 seconds. Or maybe you need a new playlist or some motivational audio. Or maybe you need to run through nature. Alternatively, maybe you need to wear a pair of running shoes.

By defining the result you want first, you are armed with the ability to take more effective actions to achieve that result.

Summary (TL;DR)

The Quality Quantifier is a powerful management tool that involves determining the outcome we want in advanced so we can take more effective actions in achieving that outcome.

We can use the QQ to take a proactive approach in breaking unhealthy habits and building healthy habits that ultimately align with our goals and the quality of life we desire.


  1. Thanks for this! I was looking for a good summary of this process that I can use. I wanted to blend it in with some ideas I have for productivity and ending procrastination and indecision.
    You have a great website! I’m enjoying floating around it as much of your summaries of personal development overlap my own ideas.


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