Breakthrough Explained Simply

Breakthroughs – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about breakthroughs, defining exactly what they are, where they come from, how to create them and more.

What Is A Breakthrough?

A breakthrough is a moment in time where you have a transformational insight that inspires you to take immediate and massive action and do whatever it takes to truly transform and achieve your goals and the life you desire.

More simply, a breakthrough is when the seemingly impossible becomes possible.

Where Do Breakthroughs Come From?

All breakthroughs come from either pain or pleasure ― they come from either desperation or inspiration.

Most people believe that change takes years. However, true transformation happens in a moment. It may have taken you years to get to that moment where you were truly ready to change, but the change itself happens in a moment.

3 Steps To Creating A Breakthrough

There are three key components to creating a breakthrough. They are: strategy, story and state. When combined together, these three forces can transform any and every aspect of your life.

The way you approach your goals, the beliefs you create and your emotional state all form the foundation for any success or failure. By learning how to take control of these forces, you can take immediate and massive action and achieve the results you desire.

Below we’ll unpack each of these factors in more detail.

1) Find The Right Strategy

Strategy refers to the internal programming that influences how we think, feel and act.

Goals determine direction. Systems determine progress. You are only as good as your systems. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.

The best strategy is to find people who have already achieved the result you want and then model their behaviours. Leveraging the lessons of those who have already figured it out allows you to identify strategies that have been proven to work.

The right strategy also saves you the most valuable resource of all: time. If you begin with a proven plan, you can turn decades of struggle into days of achievement by avoiding the inevitable frustration that comes with learning something for the first time by trial and error.

You must continually seek out the very best strategies. Nothing is more futile than doing your best using an approach that can’t deliver results equal to your effort.

However, someone could have the right strategy, but if they don’t take action, it’s because of one thing; their story.

“Success leaves clues, and if you sow the same seeds, you’ll reap the same rewards.” ― Brad Thor

2) Create The Right Story

Story refers to the beliefs that influence how we think, feel and act.

The wrong stories prevent us from finding the right strategies. They lead to decisions that drive us away from our goals and the life we desire. With a disempowering story, you put yourself on a direct path to failure.

Even if you have the right strategy, the wrong story will prevent you from executing. If you take a strategy but create a set of beliefs about why it won’t work and why it can’t work, then you won’t take action. Your beliefs then become self-fulfilling prophecy’s.

The right stories inspire us to relentlessly search for the right strategy and drive us to execute. If you take a strategy and create a set of beliefs about why it can work and why it will work, then you’ll be inspired to take massive action and do whatever is necessary to transform the quality of your life. With an empowering story, you put yourself on a direct path to success.

“Stories have the power to create and the power to destroy.”

3) Create An Empowering State

State refers to the emotions that influence how we think, feel and act.

When you’re in a disempowering state, you feel like nothing is possible. When you’re in an empowering state, you feel like everything is possible.

When you are in your most powerful and resourceful state, you put yourself in a position to find the right strategy, create empowering stories and ultimately take massive action. Your state is the difference between success and failure.

The three forces that create your state are physiology, focus and language ― and your state determines whether you find the right strategies necessary to succeed and whether you come up with the right stores that will empower you to take action and maximise your potential.

“Your state determines your fate.”

Summary (TL;DR)

A breakthrough is a moment in time where you have a transformational insight that inspires you to take immediate and massive action in order to truly transform and achieve your goals and the life you desire.

Breakthroughs are the result of a series of actions which accumulate the potential required to unleash a major change.

All breakthroughs involve three components: strategy, story and state. When you model the best strategies, create empowering stories and access empowering states, you’ll be compelled to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and the life you desire.


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