The 3 Major Societal Revolutions Explained Simply

The 3 Major Societal Revolutions Explained – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll explore the three major societal revolutions that have occurred throughout history and unpack how each revolution influenced social structures, political structures and economic structures and more.

The Three Major Economic Revolutions

Over the course of human history, there have been three major economic revolutions. They are; The Agricultural Revolution, The Industrial Revolution and The Information Revolution.

Each revolution revolved around harnessing new sources of energy and profoundly shaped the social, political and economic landscapes. Below we’ll explore each revolution in detail.

The Agricultural Revolution

In the Agricultural Revolution, humans harnessed bio energy by domesticating plants, animals, sunlight and seasonal rhythms to cultivate crops and raise livestock.

The Agricultural Revolution shifted the social landscape from nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes to settled communities.

The Agricultural Revolution shifted the political landscape from nomadic tribal leaders to chieftains.

Finally, the Agricultural Revolution shifted the economic landscape from subsistence-based hunting and gathering to agrarian-based economies.

It took millennia for the Agricultural Revolution to take effect.

The Industrial Revolution

In the Industrial Revolution, humans harnessed chemical energy by using coal, steam and oil to power machines, factories and transportation systems.

The Industrial Revolution shifted the social landscape settled communities to urban societies.

The Industrial Revolution shifted the political landscape from chieftains to centralized nation states.

Finally, the Industrial Revolution shifted the economic landscape from agrarian-based economies to manufacturing-based economies.

It took centuries for the Industrial Revolution to take effect.

The Information Revolution

In the Information Revolution, humans harnessed digital energy by using electricity to process, store and transmit vast amounts of information.

In the Information Revolution, the social landscape shifted from urban societies to global digital networks.

The Information Revolution shifted political power from centralized nation states to decentralized digital networks.

The Information Revolution shifted economic power from manufacturing-based economies to technology-based economies.

It took decades for the Information Revolution to take effect.

3 Major Societal Revolutions Tables Summary

LandscapeAgricultural RevolutionIndustrial RevolutionInformation Evolution
SocialSettled CommunitesUrban SocietiesGlobal Networks
PoliticalChieftainsCentralised NationsDecentralised Networks


The three major economic revolutions that have occurred throughout history are The Agricultural Revolution, The Industrial Revolution and The Information Revolution.

Each of these three revolutions leveraged different forms of energy and transformed the trajectory of social, economic and political landscapes.